Monday, March 24, 2008

Seo Killed My Industry!

Why are web site designers and search engine optimization experts classified as the 'used car salesmen' of the digital world? Pretty simple, for the most part 'search engine optimizers' claim that it's is difficult to take a top spot and it takes years upon years of training to do what they do. Remember, it only takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch!
What has this done? Well it isolates the customer into blindly listening to the 'expert' and makes the perceived value of the service skyrocket! I mean, how much would you pay for 'website voodoo'? Well the truth is it does take a lot of time to figure out how to improve your websites traffic and it can be confusing to a non-technical newbie!
I'm not trying to make search engine optimization sound like a waste of money, because by all means, generating business that you didn't have before is not a waste of money. In fact it can be an incredibly powerful investment! I do though want you to think about who you are working with.
Any SEO expert can optimize your site for a specific keyword but you need to look for one that encourages you to ask questions. In the car world it is similar to knowing when to change your oil, what squeak's from your breaks mean, what to do if you get a flat tire, there are just some things you 'need' to know!
So ask your SEO expert as many questions as you can, and be sure that they will answer them. You need to continue your Internet marketing campaign long after your site is optimized or you will fade like all of your other failed competitors.
So go pickup a book on Internet marketing, or jump on the web and look for some Internet marketing resources. Be a better buyer and be sure that when you do find the SEO team or guru that is right for you they beg you to ask questions. Believe me, it is in the SEO teams best interest for your site to succeed and you are an integral part of the success. If they can train you to continue the Internet marketing campaign it will make them look really good and will make your site far more valuable to you and your business!
Some quick tips for newbies: Before you build your website be sure you choose a niche. Look up 'long tail' marketing as it will be a great start to helping you choose a niche. Next focus on the keywords you want to dominate. There are tons of keyword research tools available! Lastly, be sure the platform you choose to use supports clean, web friendly URL's, and that you have the ability to personaly, without having to contact your tech, have the ability to add new pages and content to your website. Remember a stale website bores Google.
Seo Killed My Industry! Reviewed by aanbanget on Monday, March 24, 2008 Rating: 4.5